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EXCERPT “Maybe you should attend the support group for reformed gay men. They might be able to fix you.” Abigail smiled, her eyes narrow and her lips tight. He wanted to answer her but didn’t. She wasn’t worth his time. Steve nodded once, then strolled down the walkway to the car. Some people refused to understand. He stopped partway to the vehicle, then turned back to Abigail. “Thank you for allowing Genie to visit with Violet. I appreciate it.” He’d take her with him to the next meeting if he had to. No more alone time with Abigail Finch. Steve ambled up to the sedan, then collapsed in the driver’s seat. No more worrying about his lonely life. He could be lonely and emo about it later. Right now, he had to think about his sister and keeping her happy. “I heard you talking to Mrs. Finch.” Genie buckled her seatbelt. “Yes, I have a boyfriend, but it’s just chatting on the computer and talking at lunch.” “I wasn’t worried.” Not entirely. She was growing up too fast for his comfort, but he chalked that up to being a parent. He put the car into gear and headed home. “I’m worried about what she told you, though.” “Her garbage about you being gay and going to hell?” Genie cackled. “I let her talk, just like you tell me to do, then smiled and went on my way. Yes, I told her I wanted you to get a boyfriend. I’d also like Mom and Dad to come back, but since that’s impossible and you getting a hunk isn’t, I figured I’d aim for the boyfriend.” “Did you just say get a hunk?” “Uh-huh. Like Jared.” She giggled. “He’s a hunk.” “He’s also eleven.” “I didn’t say for you to be his boyfriend. He’s mine.” “You’re making me feel old, you know that, don’t you?” “I do.” When they reached the house, she bounded out of the car first and into the kitchen. “Stevie, you need a boyfriend. You’re lonely and getting dorky. Try one of those computer sites or something.” “Mrs. Finch said she thought Grandma would be better to raise you.” There. He’d put that tidbit of info out for her to mull over. “Grandma? Why would she do that? She doesn’t leave the retirement home that much.” Genie rolled her eyes. “I’m staying put.” He tossed his car keys into the basket and his wallet onto the buffet. “Why don’t you go upstairs, get your shower, and get ready for bed? I’ll worry about men, okay?" “Fine.” She grinned and shot up the stairs. Steve massaged his temples. If he’d been told three years ago he’d be raising his sister, fighting to get permanent custody and living in his parents’ home, he would’ve laughed. Now, he was twenty-four and had assumed the roles of parent and breadwinner. He’d been given so much responsibility… He riffled through the mail he’d left on the counter and paused when he saw the thick envelope. The final custody hearing in court. Jesus. He’d spent a bucketload of money to keep custody of Genie and so many hours running to court. He was her brother, for God’s sake. Didn’t that count for something? He caught a glance of his sister’s picture in the hallway. Maybe he would let Genie find him a boyfriend. Her taste couldn’t be much worse than the guys he’d already dated. She could be his good-luck charm. Anything was better than being alone. Reviews Coming Soon!